Expériences // Experiments
Raphaël Doursenaud
Raphaël Doursenaud mar. 09 août 2005

J’ai envoyé ce mail au support RME pour savoir s’il y avait un espoir de voir un jour digicheck sur Linux :


I’m an happy new user of an RME HDSP CardBus + Multiface and HDSP 9652.
I mainly use the GNU/Linux OS (Currently the DeMuDi and Ubuntu
distributions) and I was wondering if there is any hope to see someday a
Linux version of the DigiCheck software.
This software is awesome and is the sole thing that I miss to have a
complete delighting experience with Free Software.
I would prefer an open sourced version but even a precompiled closed
source tool would be great (since I think you have put great knowledge
in this piece of software and I can understand you don’t want to see any
other manufacturer use your work freely) or a mix of both with closed
source librairies and open sourced free GUI ala nVidia.

You have the power to fulfill my dream!
Any hopes?

Raphaël Doursenaud.

Malheureusement voici leur réponse :


> I’m an happy new user of an RME HDSP CardBus + Multiface and HDSP 9652.
> I mainly use the GNU/Linux OS (Currently the DeMuDi and Ubuntu
> distributions) and I was wondering if there is any hope to see someday a
> Linux version of the DigiCheck software.

No, sorry, that is not likely to happen…

Daniel Fuchs

Dommage, j’espère vraiment qu’un jour ils changeront d’avis…